

Blavatsky Books

Isis Unveiled

(A Master Key to the Mysteries of Ancient and Modern Science and Theology)

Hardback facsimile of the original 1877 edition, two volumes (“Science” and “Theology”) bound in one.

The Secret Doctrine

(The Synthesis of Science, Religion, and Philosophy)

Hardback facsimile of the original 1888 edition, two volumes (“Cosmogenesis” and “Anthropogenesis”) bound in one.

The Key to Theosophy

(A Clear Exposition, in Question and Answer, of the Ethics, Science, and Philosophy of Theosophy)

Hardback facsimile of the original 1889 edition and Paperback Indian edition

The Voice of the Silence

(From the Book of the Golden Precepts, for the daily use of Lanoos (Disciples), translated and annotated by “H.P.B.”)

2017 Hardback facsimile of the original 1889 edition, Hardback American edition, as published in 1893 by William Q. Judge, including the Stanzas of Dzyan, and Paperback Indian edition

Theosophical Glossary

(A-Z definitions, explanations, and illuminating clarifications of all the major words and terms used in the teachings of Theosophy, along with hundreds of other philosophical and esoteric terms from the Sanskrit, Tibetan, Chinese, Greek, Hebrew, etc.)

Hardback facsimile of the original 1892 edition and Paperback Indian edition

Transactions of the Blavatsky Lodge

(HPB’s answers to questions on the Cosmogenesis teachings of “The Secret Doctrine,” including a section on the true nature and metaphysics of Dreams)


Five Messages from H. P. Blavatsky to the American Theosophists

(Advice, guidance, warnings, and prophetic insight on the mission, work, and responsibility of Theosophists and the Theosophical Movement)


Raja Yoga, or Occultism

(Selection of 18 articles by HPB: Chelas and Lay Chelas, “The Theosophical Mahatmas”, Practical Occultism, Occultism versus the Occult Arts, Lodges of Magic, What of Phenomena?, Psychic and Noetic Action, Thoughts on the Elementals, Elementals, Chinese Spirits, Ancient Magic in Modern Science, Animated Statues, The Science of Magic, The Search After Occultism, Dialogues on Astral Bodies or Doppelgangers, Dialogue on the Constitution of the Inner Man and Its Division, Hypnotism, Indian Days: A Dialogue of Life and Death)

Paperback Indian edition

Index volume to The Secret Doctrine


Theosophical Articles by H. P. Blavatsky

(Compilation in 3 volumes of 165 of HPB’s most important articles)

Three hardback volumes

H. P. Blavatsky Daily Quotation Book


A Modern Panarion

(Assorted articles and writings, particularly from the earliest days of the Theosophical Movement and even before)

Hardback facsimile of the original 1895 edition

Theosophy: Some Rare Perspectives

(Compilation of 12 little known but important articles, not included in the 3 volume set)


The “Secret Doctrine” Dialogues

(“H. P. Blavatsky talks with Students,” the complete unedited transcripts of HPB’s own answers to students in Blavatsky Lodge meetings about the teachings of “The Secret Doctrine”)

Hardback (published 2014)

The “Secret Doctrine” Extracts

(2017 publication of the most important sections of Vol. 1 “Cosmogenesis” of “The Secret Doctrine”)



The Ocean of Theosophy

(A clear and comprehensive overview of Theosophy and its fundamental teachings in 17 concise chapters: 1. Theosophy and The Masters 2. General Principles 3. The Earth Chain 4. Septenary Constitution of Man 5. Body and Astral Body 6. Kama – Desire 7. Manas 8. Of Reincarnation 9. Reincarnation Continued 10. Arguments supporting Reincarnation 11. Karma 12. Kama Loka 13. Devachan 14. Cycles 15. Differentiation of Species – Missing Links 16. Psychic Laws, Forces, and Phenomena 17. Psychic Phenomena and Spiritualism)

Hardback American edition and Paperback Indian edition

Letters That Have Helped Me

(Inspirational letters of instruction, guidance, and comfort, sent by Mr Judge to Theosophists around the world. American edition includes 10 of his spiritual stories or “occult tales.”)

Hardback American edition, containing Books I, II, & III and Paperback Indian edition, containing Books I, II, & III

The Bhagavad Gita (rendition)

Hardback American edition and Hardback Indian edition

Notes on the Bhagavad Gita (with Robert Crosbie)

Hardback American edition and Indian edition

The Yoga Aphorisms of Patanjali (interpretation with commentary)

Hardback American edition and Paperback Indian edition

An Epitome of Theosophy


Echoes from The Orient

Paperback Indian edition

Forum Answers

(Answers to many questions on all aspects of Theosophical teachings)


Theosophical Articles by William Q. Judge

(Compilation in 2 volumes of 270 of WQJ’s most important articles)

Two hardback volumes

William Q. Judge Daily Quotation Book


Two Replies by William Q. Judge (on “The Judge Case”)


Vernal Blooms

(Selection of articles) Paperback Indian edition

The Heart Doctrine

(Selection of articles) Paperback Indian edition

The Scope of Reincarnation

(Extracts from “The Ocean of Theosophy”) Paperback


The Friendly Philosopher

(Letters and Talks on Theosophy and the Theosophical Life)


Answers to Questions on “The Ocean of Theosophy”


Notes on the Bhagavad Gita (with William Q. Judge – see above)

Hardback American edition and Indian edition

Universal Theosophy

(Compilation of 30 articles, also included in “The Friendly Philosopher”: The Foundation of Religion, Our God and Other Gods, The Kingly Mystery, The Recognition of Law, The Origin of Evil, What Reincarnates?, Real Memory, The Cause of Sorrow, What Survives after Death?, Can the Dead Communicate?, Sleep and Dreams, Instinct and Intuition, The Creative Will, Man Visible and Invisible, Renunciation of Action, The Law of Correspondences, Culture of Concentration, Mental Healing and Hypnosis, The Occult Side of Nature, A League of Humanity, New Year’s Resolutions, Occult Knowledge, The Power of Suggestion, True Clairvoyance, True Morality, The Storehouse of Thought, The Language of the Soul, Theosophy in Daily Life, Three Kinds of Faith, Planetary Influences)


Robert Crosbie Daily Quotation Book



Studies in “The Secret Doctrine”


Some Observations on the Study of “The Secret Doctrine”


Studies in “The Voice of the Silence”


Living the Life


The Building of the Home

Paperback (Note: A few of the articles in this pamphlet contain questionable and outdated ideas about the role and status of women, ideas which are not in harmony with H. P. Blavatsky’s statements and attitudes on this subject.)

The Zoroastrian Philosophy and Way of Life


The Gandhian Way

(partly included in “Thus Have I Heard”)


Thus Have I Heard

(Compilation of over 100 short articles from “The Aryan Path” magazine, under the topics of Shri Krishna’s Message, Lord Buddha’s Teachings, Thus Spake Zarathushtra, Nativity of Jesus and his Doctrines, Ancient Philosophy, Karma and Reincarnation, Divine Discipline, Oriental Psychology, Universal Ethics, Some Noble Lives, The Gandhian Way, and Social Reforms)

Paperback or Hardback


HPB: The Extraordinary Life and Influence of Helena Blavatsky by Sylvia Cranston

(This is the definitive, most complete, and most highly respected biography of HPB ever written.)

Paperback and Hardback

The Theosophical Movement 1875-1950

(A “biography” of the Theosophical Movement, first published in 1951, providing an accurate and unbiased overview of the major events and developments from the earliest days of the Theosophical Society through to the time the book was written.)


Reincarnation: A New Horizon in Science, Religion, and Society by Sylvia Cranston


Reincarnation: The Phoenix Fire Mystery (An Anthology of World Thought) by Sylvia Cranston


Light on the Path

(Transcribed by Mabel Collins from the Master Hilarion)


The Dhammapada

(The most well known Buddhist scripture, containing the foundational teachings and precepts of Gautama Buddha)

Paperback American edition and Paperback Indian edition

The Light of Asia by Sir Edwin Arnold

(A poetic account of the life and teachings of Buddha)

Hardback American edition and Paperback Indian edition

Selections from the Upanishads and Tao Te King

(The Upanishads are from Charles Johnston’s translations and the Tao is from that by Lionel Giles)

Hardback American edition and Paperback Indian edition

Through the Gates of Gold by Mabel Collins


The Dream of Ravan

(First published anonymously in Ireland in the early 1850s, this unique exposition of the esoteric side of the Ramayana and Hindu philosophy in general is thought by some Theosophists to have been written by the Master K.H.)


Five Years of Theosophy

(A collection of articles from the first five years of “The Theosophist” magazine in India, writers including H. P. Blavatsky, T. Subba Row, Damodar K. Mavalankar, and Mohini M. Chatterjee)

Hardback facsimile of the original 1885 edition

Theosophical Articles and Notes

(A collection of articles, writings, and comments, from various sources including H. P. Blavatsky, William Q. Judge, and Letters from the Mahatmas)


The Tell-Tale Picture Gallery

(Compilation of occult stories by H. P. Blavatsky and W. Q. Judge)


The Brotherhood of Religions by Sophia Wadia



The Eternal Verities – For Old Souls in Young Bodies


“Because” – For the Children who ask Why


Teacher’s Manual and Guide to the Eternal Verities
