
The object of Theosophy is to liberate man from bondage by presenting a philosophy of life that would show him how to find the truth within himself. The literature presented by the Theosophical Organizations, though a statement in modern form of the ancient wisdom, is not offered as a creed, but is intended to provoke thought and study. It gives an explanation of the problems of life that every person can verify for himself, if he so will. 

Theosophy touches life at all points and illuminates every problem, but, naturally, different people find certain aspects more attractive than others — especially at the beginning. To the most intuitive, who immediately perceive the practical importance of its teachings for the happiness and humanity, this is the greatest incentive to its study; others appreciate its profound speculative features; some are attracted by its revelation of the inner meaning and basic unity of the great world religions; and there are many who prefer the scientific aspect, which includes the rational explanation of occult phenomena. 

Is Theosophy a Religion?

Earlier being an esoteric movement, the 'Theosophy' used to be misunderstood as a 'religion,' and the 'Theosophical Society' was doubted as a kind of church or religious body in the initial years of its foundation. However, the theosophical organizations have strongly maintained the belief that 'Theosophy' should not be labeled in the form of religion, which was declared by its founding members in the year 1875. Therefore, its students, practitioners, and followers regard it as a system that embraces what we see as the "truth" in the spiritual context underlying philosophies of various religions and ancient cultures along with a scientific approach. This is the reason that members of the theosophical groups continue with their preferred religion, whatever they want to practice."

Prof. Sudesh Kumar
